Features Lowest Pressure Drop in the Industry
Monterey, CA — May 15, 2012 — Today, Sierra Instruments, a global leader in flow instrumentation, announced the release of their new SmartTrak® 140 Ultra-Low ΔP mass flow controller for high performance mass flow control applications where minimal pressure drop is a key consideration for cost savings and efficiency.
The SmartTrak 140 controls gas mass flow up to 500 slpm (nlpm) with an ultra-low ΔP of 4.5 psid (310mBard), considerably lower than other mass flow controllers on the market that typically offer ΔP values of 25 psid (1700 mBard).
“Our new SmartTrak 140 resolves some big customer challenges,” says Scott Rouse, Product Line Director.
SmartTrak 140 offers an accuracy of +/- 1.0% of full scale, repeatability of +/- 0.2% of full scale, flow range up to 500 slpm (nlpm), 316 stainless steel construction, and control valve with large flow coefficient (Cv) for precise control at low ΔP.
Rouse Says: “The 140 is a hybrid of two innovative Sierra technologies: our award winning SmartTrak® 100, with its industry leading LFE (Laminar Flow Element), sensor and digital electronics, was combined with our SideTrak® 840 low ΔP valve which has a very large flow coefficient (Cv). By combining these two technologies, we provide customers with a controller that boasts the lowest pressure drop in the industry at a relatively economical price.”
The 140 also offers Sierra’s patented Dial-A-Gas® Technology allowing users to set zero, span, and full scale for 10 different gases independently in the field. In addition, a hand-held or instrument-mounted user display/interface called the Pilot Module makes field-adjustments and re-configuration easy.
Learn more: http://www.sierrainstruments.com/products/140series.html
关于 Sierra Sierra公司创建于1971年1月,是美国一家知名的企业。该公司集热式质量流量计、微管式质量流量计和调节仪及智能型插入式多变量涡街质量流量计等各项产品的研发、生产、服务于一体。公司秉承美国科技之源,集世界一流专业人才,以先进的技术、严格的管理、卓越的服务,打造世界一流的品牌。Sierra公司总部在美国,美洲、欧洲及亚洲均设有分公司。